Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Sharing Our Spoons Week #4

Sharing Our Spoons is a weekly link-up for those of us with chronic illnesses where we support and encourage each other in a holistic way by focusing on five goals each week. The five goal areas are: Physical, Mental/Emotional, Spiritual, Something fun, and BONUS: One thing to get you out of your comfort zone each week. We'll be linking up on Tuesdays. We'd love to have you join us.

My Goals From Week 3:
1. Physical: Begin decreasing the amount of cokes I drink with the plans of eventually being off of them (again!).
Only had 2 cokes the entire week. Yay me! Want to get completely off them.

2. Mental/Emotional: Knit at least 7 more little hats (or as many as I can make with the yarn I have left).
Finished 11 little hats this past week and have another one on the needles. I only have enough yarn left to finish the one on the needles and possibly 1 more. I'm ready to be done with them. I've knitted 21 total!

3. Spiritual: Continue reading/journaling You're Already Amazing: Embracing Who You Are, Becoming All God Created You to Be - at least 2 chapters this week.
Actually completed 3 chapters this week. Yay me!

4. Something fun: Lunch date with former seminary classmate/friend.
My friend had to cancel at the last minute so instead, Damaris and I went out to lunch and then to the yarn store for some knitting/conversation after her doctor's appointment.

5. BONUS: One thing to get you out of your comfort zone a week: Edit article and submit it for possible publication as a guest post.
Article is edited and has been submitted. Now I'm just waiting to hear if they want to publish it.

My Week 4 Goals:
1. Physical: Continue decreasing the amount of cokes I drink with the plans of eventually being off of them (again!).
2. Mental/Emotional: Begin knitting a sweater for myself (first sweater I've ever knitted) as well as working on the sample afghan for the shop plus my other projects.
3. Spiritual: Continue reading/journaling You're Already Amazing: Embracing Who You Are, Becoming All God Created You to Be - at least 2 chapters this week.
4. Something fun: Pinterest project.
5. BONUS: One thing to get you out of your comfort zone a week: Begin investigating what is involved in opening an Etsy shop.

Your turn! Come link up with us as we Share Our Spoons.

Sunday, May 27, 2012

A Prayer for Today

Pentecost Carnival
Empowering God,
you gave the church
the abiding presence of your Holy Spirit.
Look upon your church today and hear our petitions.
Grant that, gathered and directed by your Spirit,
we may confess Christ as Lord
and combine our diverse gifts with a singular passion
to continue his mission in this world
until we join in your eternal praise.

Image Credit | Prayer Credit

Friday, May 25, 2012


Linking up today with Five Minute Friday where you write for 5 minutes about the word for today and then publish without editing or perfecting.

Today's word:


There's a saying about opportunity knocking or something like that. I know I've heard it before.

As things in my life have changed so much in the last year, I've really thought a lot about opportunity. Primarily the thoughts have been about if there is something for me to do when I'm so ill and pained and fatigued so much of the time.

I have had a yucky mindset that there just isn't anything I can do. You know that feeling when the depression just gets you down and you can't seem to claw your way out.

The writing I've done over the last few months has started to change that thinking though.

I recently wrote a post that I'm submitting as a potential guest post on a site I frequent. Is this a new opportunity for me, to seek the community that I desire so much even though I'm confined in the 4 walls of this house so often?

Are there other opportunities for me? Could my peaceful, calming, relaxing hobby of knitting open a door for a way to help my family even though I can't work a typical job. I'm not sure. I'm beginning to dream again though.

Although I miss the ministry work of being a hospital chaplain, I'm beginning to think about ways to use those skills and my heart in a different setting.

What will the final product look like? I'm not sure! But I don't want to stop dreaming. I don't want to stay stuck in that deep dark hole.

Opportunity? Are you knocking? I'm trying to open the door. Don't give up on me! Keep knocking because I'll eventually open that door all the way and I can't wait to see what's waiting outside for me.


Pink door

What about you? What do you have to say about opportunity in 5 minutes? If you link up, let me know. I'd love to read your post.

Image Credit

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Sharing Our Spoons Week #3

Sharing Our Spoons is a weekly link-up for those of us with chronic illnesses where we support and encourage each other in a holistic way by focusing on five goals each week. The five goal areas are: Physical, Mental/Emotional, Spiritual, Something fun, and BONUS: One thing to get you out of your comfort zone each week. We'll be linking up on Tuesdays. We'd love to have you join us.

My Goals From Week 2:
1. Physical: Continue to work on reincreasing my water intake. At least 20 ounces more than my norm every day is my goal.
Did great with this every day this week. Yay me!

2. Mental/Emotional: Knit at least one NICU hat, one chemo cap, and one little hat to donate this week plus complete the square I'm working on plus another square for the afghan I'm knitting as a sample for the yarn shop. Knitting is calming and relaxing for me and I'm feeling very empowered and proud of my work after being asked to knit a sample for the shop.
Had to modify this one a bit after going to knit night last Tuesday night. Found out that we have a deadline of the end of the month to finish the little hats we're making for the Seuss Festival next month. So I've been madly knitting away on those. Making great progress though. I finished 7 of them and have another one of my needles.

3. Spiritual: Start reading/journaling You're Already Amazing: Embracing Who You Are, Becoming All God Created You to Be - at least 2 chapters this week.
Read and journaled the first 3 chapters of You're Already Amazing: Embracing Who You Are, Becoming All God Created You to Be. Success!

4. Something fun: Go on a date with Russ - even if it's just to get coffee.
We went on a coffee date on Saturday after my disability doctor's appointment. Great to spend some time alone with him. Then he took me to Target to pick up a couple of tank tops to wear under shirts (side note - why are so many shirts so thin nowadays????). I can't do the store alone so it was great to have his help.

5. BONUS: One thing to get you out of your comfort zone a week: Actually write an article for possible publication as a guest post.
Got the article written. Russ is going to help me edit it before I submit it.

My Week 3 Goals:
1. Physical: Begin decreasing the amount of cokes I drink with the plans of eventually being off of them (again!).
2. Mental/Emotional: Knit at least 7 more little hats (or as many as I can make with the yarn I have left).
3. Spiritual: Continue reading/journaling You're Already Amazing: Embracing Who You Are, Becoming All God Created You to Be - at least 2 chapters this week.
4. Something fun: Lunch date with former seminary classmate/friend.
5. BONUS: One thing to get you out of your comfort zone a week: Edit article and submit it for possible publication as a guest post.

Your turn! Come link up with us as we Share Our Spoons.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

A Prayer for Today

O God,
your Son remained with his disciples after his resurrection,
teaching them to love all people as neighbors.
As his disciples in this age,
we offer our prayers on behalf of the universe
in which we are privileged to live
and our neighbors with whom we share it.
Open our hearts to your power moving
around us and between us and within us,
until your glory is revealed in our love of both friend and enemy,
in communities transformed by justice and compassion,
and in the healing of all that is broken.

Prayer & Photo Credit

Friday, May 18, 2012


Linking up today with Five Minute Friday where you write for 5 minutes about the word for today and then publish without editing or perfecting.

Today's word:


Wind blowing through the trees. Leaves are swaying to and fro. A bird's nest on the windowsill. And every so often, a bird dances on the sill. A glimpse of sunlight streams in the window. That's my perspective of the outside world.

Pager chirping. Code Blue. Code Red. Doctors and nurses scramble to help the patient. So many people standing around the bed that I cannot even see the patient. The family arrives. I pray. I listen. I hold hands. I comfort. That's my former perspective, a day and night in my life.

But no longer.

I miss it.

So busy, so emotional, so needed.

Am I still?

No, I'm not busy.

I sit, I rest, I read, I knit, I watch tv and movies.

I'm emotional - pain, longing, forgotten, distraught, wanting.

Am I needed? I want to be. But most of the time, I'm the one needing, not the one needed.


What about you? What do you have to say about perspective in 5 minutes? If you link up, let me know. I'd love to read your post.

Image Credit

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Sharing Our Spoons Week #2

Sharing Our Spoons is a weekly link-up for those of us with chronic illnesses where we support and encourage each other in a holistic way by focusing on five goals each week. The five goal areas are: Physical, Mental/Emotional, Spiritual, Something fun, and BONUS: One thing to get you out of your comfort zone each week. We'll be linking up on Tuesdays. We'd love to have you join us.

My Goals From Week 1:
1. Physical: Work on reincreasing my water intake. I was doing quite well and then in the last couple of months, I have really slacked off.
5 out of 7 days I increased my water intake by 20 ounces. 1 day I was at my previous norm. 1 day I was below normal.

2. Mental/Emotional: Knit at least one NICU hat, one chemo cap, and one little hat to donate this week. Knitting is calming and relaxing for me.

3. Spiritual: Read/journal the remainder of One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are and start on You're Already Amazing: Embracing Who You Are, Becoming All God Created You to Be.
Finished One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are. Did not start on You're Already Amazing: Embracing Who You Are, Becoming All God Created You to Be though.

4. Something fun: Paint my fingernails and toenails.
Done! Painted them yesterday and yes, they are pink, one of my favorite pinks called Tough Chick.

5. BONUS: One thing to get you out of your comfort zone a week: Write an article for possible publication as a guest post.
I've done lots of brainstorming for this article, but haven't started writing it yet.

My Week 2 Goals:
1. Physical: Continue to work on reincreasing my water intake. At least 20 ounces more than my norm every day is my goal.
2. Mental/Emotional: Knit at least one NICU hat, one chemo cap, and one little hat to donate this week plus complete the square I'm working on plus another square for the afghan I'm knitting as a sample for the yarn shop. Knitting is calming and relaxing for me and I'm feeling very empowered and proud of my work after being asked to knit a sample for the shop.
3. Spiritual: Start reading/journaling You're Already Amazing: Embracing Who You Are, Becoming All God Created You to Be - at least 2 chapters this week.
4. Something fun: Go on a date with Russ - even if it's just to get coffee.
5. BONUS: One thing to get you out of your comfort zone a week: Actually write an article for possible publication as a guest post.

Your turn! Come link up with us as we Share Our Spoons.

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day Gifties

Mother's Day goodness from the ones I love:

Referenced in the slideshow above:
Damaris' Blog Post - A Tribute to my Mom on Mother’s Day
Russ' Blog Post - A Tribute to My (Courageous) Wife on Mother’s Day (2012)

A Prayer for Today

Faithful God,
make our hearts bold with love for one another.
Pour out your Spirit upon all people,
that we may live your justice
and sing in praise
the new song of your marvelous victory.

Prayer & Photo Credit

Saturday, May 12, 2012

National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day

Today, May 12th, 2012, is National Fibromyalgia Awareness Day. I was officially diagnosed with fibromyalgia in 2009 although I had symptoms of it for 2-3 years prior. Fibromyalgia has so completely changed my life to the point where I am unable to work or do much of anything even at home. I wanted to share this amazing graphic with you that tells how widespread this disease is, how it affects people with the disease, and the history of the disease.

Click to make larger and use the magnifying glass to zoom in on the text.

This invisible illness affects many people and is life altering. Please be supportive and encouraging to those you know who have this disease (Top 10 Things NOT to Say to Someone With Chronic Illness).

Navigating Fibromyalgia Image Credit

Friday, May 11, 2012


Linking up today with Five Minute Friday where you write for 5 minutes about the word for today and then publish without editing or perfecting.

Today's word:


The first thing to enter my mind when I saw the word identity was that song from several years ago called "Who I Am". You know the one where she talks about being someone's granddaughter, being the image of her father, and her mama being her biggest fan.

For me, my identity has shifted quite a bit in the last year. A year ago at this time, I was a hospital chaplain. I was involved in ministry. I loved working with patients and families. I hated the long hours and lost sleep involved in being a resident, but I loved my work. But my health was going downhill fast. I was in a wheelchair unable to walk the short distances between patient rooms. My last day as a hospital chaplain was August 31.

Now, my days center around trying to get rest and distracting myself from the chronic pain. While I am still all of the things mentioned in my tagline, a Christ follower, wife, Mamma, and fibromyalgia fighter, the fighter has had to really step up as I try to figure out a new normal.

But, you know what? I miss being a chaplain. I miss ministering! I miss saying prayers over the cribs of sick newborns and sitting with families as they awaited the news of their loved ones. I miss preaching and leading worship services. I miss having colleagues that cared about their work as much as I did.

I miss what I thought my life was going to look like. I'm grieving and wondering if and how I am going to be able to minister in the future. The blink of an eye and everything changes!


What about you? What do you have to say about identity in 5 minutes? If you link up, let me know. I'd love to read your post.

Image Credit

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The 1000 Moms Project & Mother Letters

1000 Moms Project

The beautiful, compassionate, and amazing Ann Voskamp who writes at A Holy Experience and is the author of one of my favorite books One Thousand Gifts: A Dare to Live Fully Right Where You Are has given us a challenge.
From Ann's blog:
The 1000 Moms Project is about 1000 people standing up and thanking their mom publicly (what mom doesn’t want a gift like this for Mother’s Day?) – and we’ll match your honoring of mothers by funding a Maternity/Child Survival Program in Haiti for a whole year. (You can read all about it here)

Thank your mother publicly — & we’ll join you in honoring her by helping a Haitian mother in need!

It’s a way of passing on the loving legacy of your Mama — her sacrificial love going on and on and on.

Just share the most important gift your Mom gave you — on either Twitter (use the #1000gifts #moms hashtag) or in the Facebook Gratitude Community, or write a letter of thanks to your Mom on your own blog (link up with your thanks here).

And we’ll join you in honoring her by giving a much-needed gift to a Mom and baby in Haiti.

My mom Beckey has given me many things: her love of music, her love of crafting (which she got from her mom, my Nana, Bertha), her organizational perfectionism...but the most important thing my mom has given me is in sharing her faith. Her love for and relationship with Jesus have been an example for me that I now share with my own daughter. Love you Momma!

Mommas/Mammas/Moms and Daughters and Granddaughters
1 - My Momma Beckey, my Momma's mom (my Nana) Bertha, and my Momma's grandmother (my great Grannie) Jewell
2 - My sister Carrie, my daughter Damaris, me, and my Momma Beckey (at my college graduation)
3 - Me and my Momma Beckey (on my "birth"-day)
4 - My Momma's mom (my Nana) Bertha and my Momma Beckey (on my Momma's wedding day)
5 - Me and my Momma's mom (my Nana) Bertha
6 - Me and my Momma's mom (my Nana) Bertha
7 - Me and my daughter Damaris (and Winnie the Pooh X2) (at Damaris' 2nd Christmas - she was 14 months old)

I was thrilled to be given the opportunity to read and write about this beautiful book Mother Letters: Sharing the Mess and Glory. In its pages, mothers write letters to other mothers to encourage, support, and share the journey of motherhood. As I read each letter and looked at the amazing art, my heart was touched. I wish I had this book when Damaris was so very little and I was questioning whether I was mothering her right or not. Tears streamed down my face as I read and then on the next page, I was doubled over in laughter. Beautiful, beautiful words from the beautiful, beautiful hearts of mothers. If you haven't gotten that special woman in your life a Mother's Day gift yet (or even if you have), I highly recommend this amazing book!