Tuesday, November 26, 2013

NaKnISweMo is Done!

As I shared yesterday, I finished my NaKniSweMo sweater on Sunday. 24 days to get a sweater with 66,212 stitches. Here's the pictures I promised! I can't believe I finished a sweater in 24 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Huzzah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More details about this project available on the original blog post here: http://javapurl.blogspot.com/2013/11/nakniswemo-say-what.html

As always, find all my completed projects plus what's currently on my needles on Ravelry:

And you can also find all my knitting pattern designs (those available for purchase and some freebies as well) on Ravelry:

Monday, November 25, 2013

NaKniSweMo Day 24

Day 24 of NaKniSweMo (National Knit a Sweater Month) means I AM DONE WITH MY SWEATER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can't tell that I'm excited, can you????? LOL!!!!!! I knit 3,866 stitches yesterday for a final sweater total of 66,212 stitches. The sweater is blocking right now but as soon as it's dry, I'll take pics to share with yall. I can't believe I finished a sweater in 24 days!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Huzzah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

More details about this project available on the original blog post here: http://javapurl.blogspot.com/2013/11/nakniswemo-say-what.html

As always, find all my completed projects plus what's currently on my needles on Ravelry:

And you can also find all my knitting pattern designs (those available for purchase and some freebies as well) on Ravelry:

Sunday, November 24, 2013

NaKniSweMo Day 23

Day 23 of NaKniSweMo (National Knit a Sweater Month) was not a successful knitting day. However, it was an amazing Doctor Who day as we saw The Day of the Doctor in the cinema. I knew I wouldn't be able to focus on knitting so I didn't even take it with me. I knit a measly 408 stitches for a total of 62,346 stitches. I have 3,857 stitches to go. Since there was so little progress on my sweater, I instead will give you a picture of Damaris & I from yesterday.

More details about this project available on the original blog post here: http://javapurl.blogspot.com/2013/11/nakniswemo-say-what.html

As always, find all my completed projects plus what's currently on my needles on Ravelry:

And you can also find all my knitting pattern designs (those available for purchase and some freebies as well) on Ravelry:

A Prayer for Today (24-Nov-13)

Shepherd of Israel, hear our prayer
as your Son heard the plea
of the criminal crucified with him.
Gather into Christ's holy reign
the broken, the sorrowing, and the sinner,
that all may know
wholeness, joy, and forgiveness.

Prayer & Image Credit

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Sale


NaKniSweMo Day 22

Day 22 of NaKniSweMo (National Knit a Sweater Month) was full of major progress. Over halfway through the second sleeve because of marathon telly watching (of Doctor Who) and knitting. I knit 3,174 stitches for a total of 61,938 stitches. I have 4,265 stitches to go.

More details about this project available on the original blog post here: http://javapurl.blogspot.com/2013/11/nakniswemo-say-what.html

As always, find all my completed projects plus what's currently on my needles on Ravelry:

And you can also find all my knitting pattern designs (those available for purchase and some freebies as well) on Ravelry:

Friday, November 22, 2013

NaKniSweMo Day 21

Day 21 of NaKniSweMo (National Knit a Sweater Month) got a bit more progress on the second sleeve. It's been a hectic week and yesterday was more of the same with the new episode of our podcast, Geeky Girls Knit coming out. Still was able to get 1,660 stitches done for a total of 58,764 stitches. I have about 7,500 stitches to go. Hoping to make lots of progress this weekend and maybe get to wear my new sweater next week!

More details about this project available on the original blog post here: http://javapurl.blogspot.com/2013/11/nakniswemo-say-what.html

As always, find all my completed projects plus what's currently on my needles on Ravelry:

And you can also find all my knitting pattern designs (those available for purchase and some freebies as well) on Ravelry:

Thursday, November 21, 2013

The Post In Which Doctor Who Inspires Socks Again

Socks For Ten
(Doctor Who Inspired Socks)

Released on Wednesday, 20-November-2013, just in time for the 50th Anniversary of Doctor Who on Saturday, 23-November-2013


The 50th Anniversary of one of my favorite telly shows, Doctor Who, is upon us. I knew I wanted to design a new sock pattern for this momentous occasion. The gorgeous skein of yarn I designed these socks with screamed the Tenth Doctor from the moment I saw it.

After careful deliberation with another Doctor Who enthusiast (my darling 14 year old daughter Damaris who is an amazing knitter in her own right), we decided that nothing said Tenth Doctor more than his trademark pinstripe suit. But the socks needed something more than that, so we were inspired by the tie that Ten wears most often that is full of spirals and swirls.

Thus, this pattern was born. The mirrored design panel on the outside of each foot is reminiscent of Ten’s favorite tie and the remainder of the sock has gorgeous pinstripes which instantly invoke thoughts of Ten’s famous pinstripe suit. Brilliant, right?????

Damaris named these socks, Socks For Ten, after Murray Gold’s “Song For Ten” from the Series 2 episode, The Christmas Invasion. “And I started to walk, Pretty soon I will run, And I’ll come running back to you, ‘Cause I followed my star, And that’s what you are, I’ve had a merry time with you.”

So what are you waiting for???? Grab some yarn and enjoying knitting these Socks For Ten (Doctor Who Inspired Socks) while you celebrate the 50th Anniversary of one of the best telly shows there is, Doctor Who!

Happy Knitting! Allons-y!


Available for purchase now at http://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/socks-for-ten-doctor-who-inspired-socks


These socks are knit using the magic loop method (although the purchaser could easily adapt it for two circulars or double points).

Judy’s Magic Cast On and Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off are used in this pattern.

Knitter needs to be comfortable with the following techniques: KFB, Ktbl, psso, k2tog, p2tog, k2togtbl, ssk, M1R, M1L, slipping stitches both knitwise and purlwise, yarnovers, and working with yarn held in front / working with yarn held in back. Instructions for all these techniques are included in the pattern.

This pattern includes instructions in both written and chart forms for 64 stitch and 72 stitch socks.

Huge thanks to my amazing test knitters: Tracy (phoenixfire), Andrea (angeiship), Ashleah (a1dawen), Cristy (cristyray), & Mariet (mariawilhelmina). ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


For the first two weeks (until Wednesday, 4 December 2013, at midnight central time) after this pattern releases, after you purchase this pattern, send me a private message on Ravelry (send the private message to JavaPurl) with the Ravelry username of 1 person you want to gift this pattern to and I will gift it to them (and let them know you’re the one who gave it to them) for FREE!!!!!

As always, find all my completed projects plus what's currently on my needles on Ravelry:

And you can also find all my knitting pattern designs (those available for purchase and some freebies as well) on Ravelry:

NaKniSweMo Day 20

Day 20 of NaKniSweMo (National Knit a Sweater Month) was a slow knitting day because it was the day of release for my brand new sock pattern, Socks For Ten (Doctor Who Inspired Socks). I did get the stitches on my needles for the second sleeve and knit 15 rows worth which is 1,155 stitches for a total of 57,104 stitches. My math says I have 136 rows to go to finish the sweater. Can't wait to finish it because I want to wear it so much!

More details about this project available on the original blog post here: http://javapurl.blogspot.com/2013/11/nakniswemo-say-what.html

As always, find all my completed projects plus what's currently on my needles on Ravelry:

And you can also find all my knitting pattern designs (those available for purchase and some freebies as well) on Ravelry:

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

NaKniSweMo Day 19

Day 19 of NaKniSweMo (National Knit a Sweater Month) ended on a major high as I put the final stitches into sleeve #1. I didn't think I would make it to that point at only 19 days into NaKniSweMo, but I did it! Now, on to the next sleeve. I knit 3,398 stitches yesterday for a total of 55,959 stitches!!!!!! If my math is correct, sleeve #2 will have 10,254 stitches in it for a grand total of 66,203 stitches in the sweater. Wahoo!!!!!

More details about this project available on the original blog post here: http://javapurl.blogspot.com/2013/11/nakniswemo-say-what.html

As always, find all my completed projects plus what's currently on my needles on Ravelry:

And you can also find all my knitting pattern designs (those available for purchase and some freebies as well) on Ravelry: