Wednesday, May 20, 2009

What a Beautiful Baby

Russ & I made a quick trip to Lubbock on Monday and Tuesday to look for a place to live in August. We found a 2 bedroom & 2 bathroom apartment that they are willing to hold for us until we move in August. We had to put a deposit down & there is some paperwork I had to fax in today, but as long as everything goes smoothly with the paperwork, the apartment is ours. Russ still is looking for a job in Lubbock, but we were able to figure out that with the rent & utilities for this apartment, we can make it on my salary. It will be extremely tight, but we can make it. He'll look for a job though & that will definitely help us out.

Russ & I have another week & a half off school (we'll be going to Waco for the first part of next week so that Russ can present a paper at the National Association of Baptist Professors of Religion conference). I'm also preaching for the first time (outside of the classroom) at our church on Sunday.

Our first summer class starts June 1st & our second summer class ends August 6th & then we'll move to Lubbock on Saturday, August 15th. Please pray that all the details with the paperwork for the apartment go smoothly, for a job for Russ, & for a good school situation for Damaris.

We stayed at my sister's house so of course we spent plenty of time playing with Lola. She's 8 months old now. She's saying mama and babbling alot. She is crawling everywhere. She can pull herself to standing and she's going to take off walking any second now. Carrie also showed us the last two puppies they had left from one of their dogs having puppies. Damaris wasn't able to go on the trip with us and we were told not to come home without pictures of Lola and the puppies. Thought yall would enjoy seeing them too.

2009 - May 19 - Lola Callaway Frink from C.C. Almon on Vimeo.

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