Saturday, March 27, 2010

LOST 6X09 (Ab Aeterno)

Time for my thoughts on this week's episode. There are numerous sites that do recaps so I'm not going to necessarily do that, but I am going to share my thoughts on what happened.

The icon paintings in my LOST posts for this season were painted by Scott Erickson of The Transpire Project for Chris Seay's book The Gospel According to LOST.


Season 6, Episode 9 - Ab Aeterno
~So we finally get to find out about Richard. What an amazingly dramatic episode! Was actually brought to tears by this episode which hasn't happened more than a handful of times while watching LOST.
~Ilana is to protect the 6 candidates. How has she been preparing for this though as Jacob alluded too? Is the preparation how she got hurt?
~Was Jacob supposed to tell Richard what to do next? Did he get killed before he had the chance? What doesn't Jacob just tell Hurley what to do next?
~Richard seems to believe what many viewers of LOST believe, that the island is actually hell. I'm not convinced!
~Isabella is such a beautiful lady, but I prefer Richard without all the facial hair. LOL!
~The idiotic doctor reminds me of many medical professions I've had a run in with. Why do so many doctors think they are God's gift to man? What about that oath, what's it say, first do no harm?
~Do you think Whitfield is related to Whitmore? Maybe a transition to the name over the years?
~And Hanso is the captain! Hanso of the Dharma Initiative. Just another connection!
~OK, now here is my question about the statue. Didn't we see the statue completely whole in the 1977 time period? So how could the Black Rock have knocked it over & then it be whole again? Very confused!!!
~Why wasn't Richard killed by the smoke monster when he killed everyone else? Was he already marked for an important role on the island?
~Interesting to see that when Not John got Ben to kill Jacob that this wasn't the first time the Man in Black had tried to have Jacob killed.
~Loved the whole wine bottle & cork analogy.
~Not sure why Jacob couldn't bring Isabella back. It seems he should be able to do anything he wants. And why couldn't he forgive Richard? Allowing him to live forever seems like it would be torture, having to constantly remember what happened.
~That's all for this week. Can't wait for the next new episode! I'd love to hear your thoughts & theories on anything I've written about or something you think I might have missed.

There's my thoughts for what it's worth. Tune in next week for LOST 6X10 "The Package".

Saturday, March 20, 2010

LOST 6X08 (Recon)

Time for my thoughts on this week's episode. There are numerous sites that do recaps so I'm not going to necessarily do that, but I am going to share my thoughts on what happened.

The icon paintings in my LOST posts for this season were painted by Scott Erickson of The Transpire Project for Chris Seay's book The Gospel According to LOST.


Season 6, Episode 8 - Recon
~After last week, this new episode was a bit of a letdown. Of course, I know we can't have phenomenal episodes every single week. This was still a good episode. Just was hoping for more.
~As the episode started, I was thinking that Sawyer had us all tricked in the flash sideways & he was really going to turn out to be a con man. Imagine my shock when he turns out to be a cop & his partner is Miles. Whoa!
~I was so excited to see Charlotte in this episode. I just wish Sawyer hadn't screwed things up with her. They made a cute couple.
~When Sawyer runs into Zoe on Hydra Island, I knew something had to be up. I'm thinking it was Not John who killed everybody there. I don't think Widmore did it. What do you think?
~Had to know Claire attacking Kate was coming. Not John was so full of it though trying to convince Kate that he cared about her. He just cannot be trusted!
~The whole exchange between Kate & Not John on the beach about his past was interested, but confusing. Here's the stuff I'm referencing. Not John: “you referred to me as a dead man, I’m not a dead man, I know what you’re feeling, what you’re going through” “because my mother was crazy, a long time ago before I looked like this, I had a mother just like everyone, she was a very disturbed woman & as a result of that, I had some growing pains, problems that I’m still trying to work my way through, problems that could have been avoided had things been different” Kate: “why are you telling me this?” Not John: “because now, Aaron has a crazy mother too”. This immediately caused me to reflect on Aaron in the Bible. We know that Aaron was Moses' younger brother. We know Moses' (& Aaron's) mother hid Moses in a basket in the river. We don't know much more about her. I don't recall any info about her mindset, but I know that if I had put my son in a basket in the river & he was then taken to be mothered by someone else, I would not be in my right mind!
~Any thoughts on what's in the locked room on the sub? I can't even begin to fathom what might be inside.
~I am beyond excited to see Richard's episode next week. I cannot wait!!!!!
~That's all for this week. Can't wait for the next new episode! I'd love to hear your thoughts & theories on anything I've written about or something you think I might have missed.

There's my thoughts for what it's worth. Tune in next week for LOST 6X09 "Ab Aeterno".

Sunday, March 14, 2010

LOST 6X07 (Dr. Linus)

Time for my thoughts on this week's episode. There are numerous sites that do recaps so I'm not going to necessarily do that, but I am going to share my thoughts on what happened.

The icon paintings in my LOST posts for this season were painted by Scott Erickson of The Transpire Project for Chris Seay's book The Gospel According to LOST.


Season 6, Episode 7 - Dr. Linus
~This episode has to be in the top 5 best episodes of LOST. Simply amazing!
~When we see Ben, I mean Dr. Linus, at the school, I was convinced he was going to be the same horrific, jerk of a guy as on the island.
~I'm surprised Ben even stuck with Ilana & her group after Miles told his secret.
~And Ben actually has a relationship with his father. Very surprising! And they were on the Island, but left. How in the world did all that go down?
~And he has a relationship with Alex. I think we are all more connected that we can even imagine!
~Ilana knows about the candidates. How did she get to know when so many don't know or are just learning?
~We finally understand where the chains Not John referred to a couple of weeks ago when talking to Richard come from - the Black Rock! I assume that means Richard was a slave (although Russ says he could have just been a prisoner).
~Anybody else scared to death that Richard & Jack were going to blow up?????
~And now Jack is a man of faith! Who would have seen that coming?
~Ben talking with Not John had me convinced that Ben was going to become part of his group.
~And then, we finally see Ben redeemed. He confessed his sins to Ilana. He finally shows himself to be a broken, sinful human. And she forgives him! I was in tears at this point!
~And we see Ben giving up his desire for power in the flash sideways when he puts Alex first. Wow!
~Loved the classic LOST beach scene at the end of the episode! Haven't seen one of those in a while.
~And then, HOLY CRAP!!!!! Widmore found the Island! How the heck did that happen? And what's he going to do? I couldn't believe the episode ended there! I was left wanting so much more!
~That's all for this week. Can't wait for the next new episode! I'd love to hear your thoughts & theories on anything I've written about or something you think I might have missed.

There's my thoughts for what it's worth. Tune in next week for LOST 6X08 "Recon".

Sunday, March 7, 2010

LOST 6X06 (Sundown)

Time for my thoughts on this week's episode. There are numerous sites that do recaps so I'm not going to necessarily do that, but I am going to share my thoughts on what happened.

The icon paintings in my LOST posts for this season were painted by Scott Erickson of The Transpire Project for Chris Seay's book The Gospel According to LOST.


Season 6, Episode 6 - Sundown
~Just finished watching this new episode for the 2nd time & my head is still spinning. Super intense, right?
~Sayid is still so desperately in love with Nadia even if the flash sideways. I think the loss of love/unrequited love is what tips his scale in the wrong direction in both the original timeline & the flash sideways.
~Sayid's brother Omer is still expecting Sayid to clean up his messes, do the difficult things, in both timelines. He can't seem to stand up for himself at any point we've seen thus far.
~Dogen's explanation to Sayid was pretty profound, "for every man there is a scale, on one side of the scale there is good, on the other side evil, this machine tells us how the scale is balanced & yours tipped the wrong way." I'm still just baffled as to how that machine could tell which way the the scale is balanced. Hmm....
~I was confused about the baseball & Dogen until towards the end of the episode when I finally realized it was reminding him of his son.
~Claire is totally creeping me out. I almost hope she doesn't get back with Aaron because I don't think she has enough sanity to raise him. She is one messed up girl!
~Dogen tells Sayid about Not John, "For years, he has been trapped but now Jacob is gone, he’s free, this man will not stop until he has destroyed every living thing on this island. He is evil incarnate." If Not John plans to kill every living thing on the island, does that include all those following him? Does he plan to destroy everything & then leave the island alone?
~Sayid's mistake in meeting with Not John was allowing him to speak before he stabbed him. If he had acted first, I think we might have actually been rid of Not John.
~Keamy disgusted me just as much in the flash sideways as he did in the original timeline. Not sad to see him gone for good.
~My heart broke for Dogen not being able to see his son again. I started thinking, would I be willing to give up seeing Damaris ever again if by giving that up, she would live? Probably so!
~And then, holy crap! Sayid just goes off the deep end! Creeped Ben out. Have we ever before seen Ben Linus turn tail & run away? Not that I can remember!
~I've always thought the "Catch a Falling Star" song was nice, calming, peaceful until I heard it as the music at the end of the episode. Totally creeped me out! Has me wondering if there is a hidden meaning behind it?
~Looks like Kate may have made her choice as well by following Not John's group. I don't think she'll make it though. I'm expecting Claire to kill her pretty quick!
~That's all for this week. Can't wait for the next new episode! I'd love to hear your thoughts & theories on anything I've written about or something you think I might have missed.

There's my thoughts for what it's worth. Tune in next week for LOST 6X07 "Dr. Linus".