Sunday, August 17, 2008

What Olympic Sport are You?

You Are Kayaking

You have a competitive spirit, but you don't like to compete alone.
You do well in a partnership, where you can feed off the other person's energy.
If you have the right partner, nothing can stop you. Your energy is infinite!


  1. I was tennis...

    You Are Tennis

    You are highly competitive and driven.
    You're in it to win, and you will keep going until you do.
    You crave fame, success, and the envy of others.

    What Olympic Sport Are You?

  2. I was KAYAKING!

    You Are Kayaking

    You have a competitive spirit, but you don't like to compete alone.
    You do well in a partnership, where you can feed off the other person's energy.
    If you have the right partner, nothing can stop you. Your energy is infinite!

    What Olympic Sport Are You?


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