Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Post in Which Damaris & I Are Putting On a Show

It's Thursday! Welcome friends! Glad to have you popping in to say hello.

Damaris & I have started a new adventure together. We have talked for some time about doing a podcast and we finally decided to stop talking about it and actually do it.

So, we're happy to introduce you to:

Our purpose is to be the Mamma/Daughter vidcast for fans of all things knitting & geekdom. We officially recorded our first episode yesterday and it's available for you to watch.

You can go to our website which also has our show notes, here's a link to episode 1 - In Which We Say Howdy Yall -

You can also watch on here -

We're waiting for notification that we're approved for iTunes and YouTube.

We have a Ravelry group - Geeky Girls Knit Podcast and we're on Twitter - @geekygirlsknit and on Facebook too -

Please give us a look and let us know what you think, what you'd like us to talk about, any suggestions, insights, etc. We value your input. We're having a great time with this and plan to be back next week with a new episode.

Thanks for letting me share our new adventure with you!
shalom signature

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