Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Post in Which 15 Years Later, I Still Do

15 Years Ago today, I said these words:

I Christie take you Russell,
today before our family, our friends, and before God,
to be my wedded husband.
To have and to hold from this day forward,
in sickness as well as in health,
in poverty as well as in wealth,
in the good that lights our days,
and the bad that darkens our ways.
I pledge to be your helpmate in building our home
under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.
I vow to be true to you alone
until God in His wisdom shall separate us by death.

15 Years Later, I still do!

Happy 15th Anniversary Russ! I love you!
shalom signature

Monday, September 17, 2012

The Post in Which Lola Turns 4

Four years ago today, my precious niece Lola was born.

Here she is at about a week old. We spent a few days with them and I spent most of the visit snuggling her (would you expect any different???).

This is about a year ago. She was carrying a flashlight around with her and wouldn't put it down (even to snuggle with me!!!).

And this is at her party on Saturday. We weren't able to be there in person, but Damaris and I video chatted during part of the party.

Happy, happy, happy, happy birthday Lola! Hope you have an amazing birthday. Aunt C.C. loves you so, so, so, so much!!!!

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Saturday, September 15, 2012

The Post in Which I Share Some Gift Knitting

I've done a bit of gift knitting recently and now that the items have been gifted, I can share them with yall.

First, an adorable little Owl Puff for the daughter of a friend. She loves owls so I knit this one up for her birthday.

Next up, my niece Lola will be 4 on Monday. I took a Kumihimo (Japanese braiding) class and made this bracelet for her.

Last, this is also for Lola's birthday (we got to watch her open her gifts via video chat today). This is Lola's Around About Bag. I knit it rather large (the photo on the left is of Damaris holding it) and then felted it to make it a smaller size. Lola loved that it had her name on it!

As always, find all my completed projects plus what's currently on my needles on Ravelry:

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Friday, September 7, 2012

The Post in Which I'm Graceful

Linking up today with Five Minute Friday where you write for 5 minutes about the word for today and then publish without editing or perfecting.

Today's word:


that's not a word I would ever have chosen to describe myself.
Prone to stick my foot in my mouth
Not knowing when to shut up
Tripping over my own two feet
Those words more accurately describe me.

But then, almost 5 years ago, I had the word grace tattooed on my inner right wrist.

And something changed...

I'm still clumsy
I'm still prone to stick my foot in my mouth
I still don't know when to shut up
I still trip over my own two feet

But, then I glance at my wrist
and I see that word

And I am reminded
that He extends grace to me
that He extends grace to others
that others extend grace to me
that I extend grace to others
that I MUST extend grace to myself

So, graceful
Yes, that does describe me
even when my foot is in my mouth
or I've tripped over my own two feet for the umpteen zillionth time

full of grace
extending grace
receiving grace
giving myself grace


What about you? What do you have to say about GRACEFUL in 5 minutes? If you link up, let me know. I'd love to read your post.
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