Just about this time over the last 3 years, I posted blog post sharing My One Word for each year. In 2012, My One Word was eucharisteo. In 2013, My One Word was create. In 2014, My One Word was affirm.
This year, my word will be grace. Grace for myself, grace for others. I have the word grace tattooed on my right inner wrist. It's been there for several years, but I've let that grace slip quite a bit. So 2015 is the year of grace for me!
I do have some goals that I want to try to achieve in 2015. Some are fairly broad while others are more specific. I thought I'd share them here.
~I plan to continue sharing about the creative part of my life which includes knitting, spinning, and designing patterns on a month to month basis here on my blog. Hopefully that will include releasing 12 new patterns, knitting 3 sweaters for myself, knitting 1 preemie hat per week, knit 7 stockings for family, finish at least 100 projects, and who knows what else!
~Keep a daily journal. I will continue to use the Bullet Journal method of journaling (using it as a journaling system rather than a calendar system since we use Google Calendars that the 3 of us share for our daily calendars).
~Continue keeping a list of the eucharisteo/gifts/joys/Thanksgivings in my life.
~Read at least one non-fiction book each month of 2015. I did this last year and ended up reading 20 non-fiction books over the year. I'm hoping to do the same this year.
So, those are my goals for the year. Looking forward to seeing what 2015 holds for me, for us. Happy New Year!
your word makes me happy. :)