Just about this time over the last 2 years, I posted blog post sharing My One Word for each year.
In 2012, My One Word was eucharisteo.
In 2013, My One Word was create.
This year, my word is going to be a more private experience. I don't plan to blog about it monthly like I did (or tried to do) last year. I will tell you that my word for 2014 will be
affirm. I truly appreciate your thoughts and prayers as I work through a multitude of experiences and things during my year of affirm.
I do have some goals that I want to try to achieve in 2014. Some are fairly broad while others are more specific. I thought I'd share them here.
~I plan to continue sharing about the creative part of my life which includes knitting, spinning, and designing patterns on a month to month basis here on my blog. Hopefully that will include sharing about designing at least six knitting patterns, knitting at least two sweaters for myself, knitting at least six pairs of socks for myself, spinning at least five batches of fiber, knitting several preemie hats to donate to charity, and who knows what else!
~Keep a daily journal. I am using the
Bullet Journal method of journaling (using it as a journaling system rather than a calendar system since we use Google Calendars that the 3 of us share for our daily calendars).
~Continue keeping a list of the eucharisteo/gifts/joys/Thanksgivings in my life. However, this year rather than keeping the list online, I will be keeping them in my daily journal.
~Read at least one non-fiction book each month of 2014. I read a lot! So much that you wouldn't believe me if I told you (I am a speed reader which makes reading go by so quickly). However, I tend to read mostly fiction. It is more difficult for me to read non-fiction books as I have to force myself to slow down my reading pace so that I can retain what I'm reading. I have several non-fiction books on my Kindle waiting to be read so I think this will be a good goal for me.
So, those are my goals for the year. Looking forward to seeing what 2014 holds for me, for us. Happy New Year!